Take My Hand

(Film Score)

from the animated film, SHISHI directed by Kaisa Horness & Jessica Jeon

Solo Piano - Medium Difficulty - 4 min - 2023

Premiered by the composer November 10th, 2023 at Chapman University

SHISHI holds a special place in my heart because it was the first ever student film I scored. Kaisa and Jessica were so much fun to work with, and it was a challenge and a blast coming up with the music for the film. The main motive of the film, which is based on a G major pentatonic scale, is heard prominently throughout; however, after much consideration, I felt moved to write a whole piece based on that motive. This gave way to TAKE MY HAND, the name of the cue that this motive most dominantly plays. It is during the main character’s most vulnerable moment. The music is saying, “Take my hand, and let’s go on this journey together.”

Thomas Yamada

June 26th, 2023